Yes, definitely! You can do this by adding an outsight in the NOVOTIX Dashboard. At the time of writing, it is possible to share ticket numbers and sales/registrations per day. Other functionalities will be added to the module over time.
Creating Outsight.
You can create an outsight by navigating on the left side in the menu to ''Outsights'', this is under management/administration. Then click on the button ''Add outsight'' on the top right. Once you have done this the following screen will open.
Outsight name - Here you give the outsight a title, or possibly the name of the collaborating party.
βOutsight short description - Here you can, if desired, put a short description of the outsight you want to share. This short description is only for internal use within the dashboard.
βEvent - Here you select which event you want to share.
βOutsight unlimited validity - When you check this option you ensure that the collaborating party can view the shared statistics indefinitely.
If you want to share the statistics for a specific time, you can indicate this by leaving the field "Ousight unlimited validity" unchecked and filling in the fields outsight valid from / outsight valid to.
When all the required fields are filled in, click on the ''Create outsight'' button.
In the next screen, you will see the link to share with the relevant party.
When you open this link, you can see what will be shared.